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The screens below display the words details and websites details


​On the Word details screen, you can :

  • select an other target language to see its translation

  • select an other word to display instead of returning to the Words list screen

  • consult a website details by clicking on a linked website

  • edit the word by clicking on the top right menu


On the Website details screen, you can:​

  • consult a word details by clicking on a linked word

  • edit the website by clicking on the top right menu

  • display the website into a browser by clicking on the URL


2. word details.png
4. website details.png

The screens below display the word edition and the intern browser to display the content of the website​


​On the Word edition screen, you can :

  • change the word source language

  • link a new website or by selected a saved website

  • un-link a website by clicking on a website 

  • edit or add the word details


3. word edition.png
5. intern browser.png
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